
After a successful first edition, Seville City One, Metropolis of Southern Europe, is preparing to continue its growth by organising the 2nd International Conference.

The 1st International Conference brought together more than 600 participants with the presence of national and international investors attracted by Seville and its metropolis, a benchmark in the processes of sustainable urban transformation.

Sevilla City One, Metropolis of the South is an initiative that aims to respond and become a benchmark for the most efficient urban growth, in line with the commitment of the capital of Seville to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.

It was created thanks to the strategic alliance of the main developers in the Spanish real estate sector, and its main objective is to highlight the great importance of Seville and its metropolitan area, in collaboration with the Seville City Council and the Andalusian Regional Government.

The 2nd International Conference of Seville City One, a public-private partnership initiative, will be held on the 28th of November at the Seville Conference and Exhibition Centre (FIBES), thanks to the collaboration of Seville City Council with the initiative that comes from civil society, and will give a voice to the main protagonists of the transformation processes of Seville, and will be a forum that will attract national and international operators who have set their sights on the capital of southern Spain.

Seville, a universal city that grows looking to the future

Seville and its metropolitan area today make up that universal city that is renewed to remain eternal. One of the indicator sectors of the current transformation of Seville and its metropolis is the real estate development sector, whose activity, together with construction, represents 15 percent of the provincial GDP, and is currently immersed in its main urban developments. Currently, the South of Seville concentrates practically 50% of the new developments underway with projects such as Palmas Altas, Villanueva del Pítamo or Entrenúcleos.

A transformation of Seville and its current metropolis that is led by innovative urban growth and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Agenda 2030, adopted by the United Nations (UN). The Southern European metropolis has recently been chosen by the European Union in the mission to achieve climate neutrality before 2030.

Seville will participate at the European Union’s mission ‘One hundred of smart and climate-neutral cities for 2030’

Other sectors and the Sevillian society in general contribute to this. Its strategic location has allowed the implementation of a national and foreign industrial fabric of high added value that are mainly distributed among three poles: the Port of Seville, synchromodal hub ; Aerópolis, among the five aerospace hubs in the world; and the Science and Technology Park of La Cartuja, a reference promoter of innovation. We cannot fail to mention the University, with a presence both in Seville and its metropolitan area, which is positioned among the world university elite, nor reference infrastructures such as the facilities of the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville (FIBES)., considered one the largest and most versatile auditorium in Spain.

Seville City One, Metropolis of the South initiative came to life thanks to the strategic alliance of the main developers of the Spanish real estate sector, AEDAS Homes, CBRE, Bekinsa, Caralca, Grupo Insur, LandCo, Metrovacesa and Vía Célere, and with the sectoral support of the Association of Builders and Developers of Seville, GAESCO, whose objective is to make visible the great role of the Seville city and its metropolitan area, in collaboration with public administrations.

Innovative and sustainable urban development

The design of Seville CityOne, Southern Metropolis, wants tp become a benchmark for the most efficient urban growth in line with a city clearly committed to meeting the objective of climate neutrality before 2030. The key aspects will be established to become a benchmark in sustainability, fight against climate change and sustainable mobility.

The population of Seville has grown up by 90 thousand inhabitants and this can be an answer for their needs. Because the capital has no space left for new houses. In the short term, there is a stock of rapidly maturing soils for 20,000 homes and 14,500 homes with some kind of protection regime. Currently, land for almost 6,000 homes is in the residential development phase.

This is why the II International Conference of Sevilla City One, Metropolis of Southern Europe, to be held on 28 November 2024 at FIBES, will give a voice to the main protagonists of the transformation processes of Seville and its metropolitan area, and will be a forum that will attract national and international operators who have set their sights on the capital of southern Spain with the challenge of contributing to the transformation of the metropolis under a principle of sustainable action and development in its residential, industrial, logistical and tertiary growth. This commitment to efficiency and respect for the environment will be felt at Sevilla City One.

Synergies among all participants and Sevillian society

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Support Sevilla City One, for a friendly city, committed to sustainability. We are already 158 citizens and more than 80 organisations and companies.