The strategic coordinator of Seville City One, Metropolis of Southern Europe, Francisco Morcillo, has met with the manager of Sevilla City Office, Antonio Castaño, to discuss organisational details of the 1st International Conference Sevilla City One. This event will be held on 31 October in the Al-Andalus Auditorium of the Seville Conference and Exhibition Centre.

Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville, with a capacity for 1,029 people, following the collaboration agreement reached with this public-private collaboration agreement reached with this public-private collaboration initiative that arose from civil society.

The strategic coordinator of Sevilla City One highlighted that the fact that the Palacio de Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville to host this 1st International Conference of Sevilla One “is another example of the capabilities and strengths of the example of the capacities and strengths of the metropolitan city of Seville, and its commitment to citizen participation and its commitment to the participation of citizens, research organisations and the private sector in the search for the private sector in the pursuit of climate neutrality in all sectors, such as energy, building, waste management building, waste management, services or transport, together with the corresponding investment plans.

The International Conference – which has recently opened the registration period for attendance – will the main protagonists of the urban transformation processes in Seville and its metropolitan area with the challenge of metropolitan area with the challenge of contributing to the transformation of the metropolis under the principle of sustainable action and development in its residential, industrial, logistic and tertiary growth, and to position the and tertiary sectors, and to position Seville on a national and international level as a reference point for metropolis of Southern Europe. Major financial institutions and international investment funds international financial institutions and investment funds that have set their sights on the capital of Southern Europe will be taking part as speakers at the conference.